Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Knock Knock

Sophie: Knock Knock
Me: Whose there?
Sophie: Pear
Me: Pear who?
Sophie: PEAR!!! (laughing hysterically now)

It occurred to me the other day.. my daughter has been telling me knock knock jokes... yes my 2 year old daughter that has a vocabulary of a 5 year old... and yes it just occurred to me- where did she learn that? I asked around the family and found out that last week there was a show my grandfather remembers telling a knock knock joke on it.. and that was it.... so miss smarty took this short segment of television and has turned it in to a daily bit... and she understands how it works... her jokes are original and funny to her!

Where has the time gone? Really???  She has always been my baby.... and after I had Caleb, when I first saw her- I looked at her so differently for many weeks. I stared at disbelief on the size of her- I couldn't believe how tall she was... how thick her legs are (cute chunky)... how BIG her hands were... when did her eye lashes get so full and long? She has these beautiful round eyes- when did they get so large? She looks like a tiny little adult.. is she supposed to? When did she grow up???

My fear during pregnancy #2 is how I would love my children...would I treat Sophie differently? Would I love #2 just as much, or push Sophie aside??? someone told me this that always stuck...
you will love them differently.. and for different reasons and that is okay!!!

I love my children- and that statement is so true... I love them differently but the same. My love for Sophie as my little baby did change... I loved her for who she has grown to be right now. For this exceptionally bright, beautiful and tall 2 year old who acts like a kindergartner... and that's my down fall, to my love for her..... She is so high functioning- and understands complex things for her "age" that I take it for granted when she acts her age.... that's all I can complain about haha- that my child acts her age!!! Having a conversation with her and to hear her replies, questions and her understanding of it, you would be amazed sometimes... so when she tells me why she doesn't know why she is in timeout... or refuses to pick up her toys... or hits me and yells at me... I get frustrated because she is SOOO smart and intelligent that I expect her to be able to follow the rules all of the time.

I hope to reflect on this daily and change my expectations so I don't set her up to fail.. now or ever!

So in sum, my love for her changed... but a great appreciation for who she is has grown! I love her differntly then Caleb.. and differently then as I did before Caleb.. and I cant explain it with words. As a parent- you understand :) I love my babies.. and Soph will always be my little girl- my favorite first child :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Is it Christmastime yet Mommy?

The holidays are under way here at the White house... haha that was funny! No really, they are though! Sophie regularly asks why it is not Halloweentime now and if it is Christmastime yet.

Last night I was able to sneak outside to decorate my play house that I had as a child.. some 20 plus years ago... and have some of the lights hooked up to music! Lot's more to do in that department, but it's started!!!! The tree may go up tonight, it depends on how tired my husband is... I really want him and the children to be part of it so I will wait for the right time and pray the cat doesn't tear it down!

I asked Sophie this morning what she wanted her brother to get her for Christmas... "a gingerbread cookie"
What did she want to give him?- she wants to paint him, the cat and me a shirt... so we will get some materials this week for that project... cant wait!

Fisbee has come back to us every morning.. this morning he decided to hang off the curtain rod- silly Fisbee as Sophie would say! His magical powers work!!! After the inner demon came out of my 2 year old yesterday morning on our way out the door for our usual Sunday breakfast with her Grampy... we saw Fisbee texting Santa Claus about her behavior.. her reply "What will Santa say?" ... well guess what Santa did- he followed us to Walmart and told her to be a good girl this year!!! (perfect timing huh?) She embraced him and wanted to talk to him some more, but she talks so low he couldn't hear her.

So to end this mornings update- I want to know your Christmas traditions... how you decorate your tree... how you work the holidays for your children or family?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

First unintentional Word

Today is a day for multiple posts :) Caleb has been a bit fussy when not being held since 1am.. so it has been a slow moving morning with him- I am all for letting him cry and fuss but my husband is sleeping so I am trying to be considerate.

I went in to the bedroom to change him, get him dressed, etc... and during a screaming match back and forth with him and I (not really screaming more of the "ahhhhhhh" and me saying it back to him teasingly) he said "Mommmmmmmmmma" just as clear as clear water! I have a witness and my husband was shocked!

Yes... we know he isn't talking.. Yes.... we know he is making noises but MOMMA wins again! Hip Hip Hooray let me do a boogie dance and "hi ya" ninja style karate chop - MOMMA RULES in the first word category!

The Joys of Motherhood

I am like wonder woman and a fairy god mother all in one!

I can grow a child, feed and keep them alive- make them giggle and smile... but what is the most amazing thing I can do? I can sense when trouble arises, before the call for help is made... before the bat signal is sent.. I can catch poop in a wipe without making a mess- I can catch vomit in my hand before getting on clothes...and if a stain happens- I can make it disappear!... I can sleep 2 to 3 hours at a time and still run the household and lives of us all... all while taking a minute to catch the highlights on this blog!

I can make an elf "fly" when he falls to the ground and swoop him back into place in a matter of seconds without anyone seeing! Sophie slept in till 8am, and when I went up to get her this morning, I made sure Fisbee had returned from the North Pole last night...

"Where is him?- Where is him??? Momma where is that guy.... Momma I cant find him!!!!" The funny part of this.. I couldn't either... poor little guy took a 4 foot tumble to the ground! I panicked as she ran by me looking for him- she cant see anyone touch him- and he cant sit on the ground for the day without getting touched.... so the cat provided the right distraction as I willed him to fly and find a new spot to sit in for the day...
"Momma my little guy didn't come back last night!"

"Sure he did Sophie, we just have to look harder..." as I helped guide him into a sitting position on a ledge on the stairway hoping he wouldn't fall again..."

"Oh My GOODNESS (you have to hear the tone change and drawl she uses on this) there he is.. I FOUND HIM... YEAH SOPHIE!!!"

We sat and talked about Fisbee and his magical powers, why he watches our family and how he flies back to see Santa each night...

"Did he ask Santa if he will pet my animals???...... Why is he wearing mittens and a hat?"

Fisbee talks really low and has an accent that she cant hear or understand, so I listened to his answers and translated for her... and Santa did say he would pet all of her animals, even the rabbits and chicken!

Off to start the day... and after waking up a bit the demon within my toddler started to rise.. hoping the timeout I gave the demon would exercise it out of her....

Nope... not completely yet.... he is testing Fisbee's powers...

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Future perhaps?

I am starting to get just a tid bit addicted to this blog- I want to share my sentimental, funny and embarrassing moments with people and well... 7 FB posts in an hour probably is annoying to some :)

I have NO IDEA what I am doing... my direction has changed .. and I am html numb... I am not grammatically correct, I misuse words and punctuation... there is no humor in my post and who am I really sharing this with??? I have 2 followers.. and #1 (sorry) I do not know who you are.. I believe #2 is Roman.. I think... are you? People read when I share my post on facebook... but do they really want to follow my every move and thought??? I know I wouldn't!!

I just searched a few blogs and found some that made me walk away from my computer laughing.. and inspired me to do the same- why not put a twist of humor and purpose here? But how??? If I shared my randomness with the world- you would think I am a per ma-drunk (always drunk.. yes I think I made that word up!)

First thought that came to my mind in a chat conversation with someone last night about random ways to die... was how many shopping cart deaths are there in a year? I looked it up.. no quick answer.. kind of scary what pops up so I walked away from that thought, and conversation as the person asked if I was drinking lol... no I wasn't!

Random facts and useless info is my thing.. history.. humor posts.. crafting... living green and sharing family life... how do you fit it all together and create a cult like following? You tell me!!!

Oh and to add on top of that I just started a shared business adventure... do I add that here... add a new blog? Oh what to do!!!!

Welcome Black Friday

So I wasn't going to hit the stores this year... I stayed up and looked online instead :) 12am came...and realized I couldn't shop till 3am at Walmart, 5am at Home Depot and 6am Kmart.. among other stores and various times..... 3am... 3:08... 3:15 site is working at Walmart- woo hoooo!!!! Grabbed my items, went to check out and their site wanted me to enter my shipping info again... I did and it erased it.. 3x I went through this and lost 4 items that I really wanted... all the cheap things to! ANNOYED... 5am came... Home Depot here I come... and the 1 thing I wanted, you couldn't order online.. great! At this point I am ready to just pack up and go to the friggin store- I don't want to go out but I REALLY want a pair of Bear Paw Boots I tried on that are advertised for 50% off and after 3 hours of research I find that the store doesn't sell them online..... 6am is here and at this point I give up as it is all a sign to walk away.. I just know it! I went to bed... Caleb decided to get up and by 8am he was NOT going to let me lay down anymore... so out the door at 9:30am in the snow and ice to the store.. and Bear Paw was not for me today... I settled for socks instead.... so after much annoyance I put on myself after saying I wasn't going to do this.. I accepted fate and shopping is done... now I will pack away my stress box of things to make for my shared business.. and start on Christmas gifts and crafts....

The highlights of my day came when I bundled Sophie up to go outside to play in the snow.... she remembered our playing last year as she laid down and made snow angles.. and snow kitties... filled up her beach pails and made blocks of snow! Her and Gargamel (the cat) chased each other, fed the chicken and rabbits snow and both ate hand and pawfuls :) They came in together to warm up for a bit- we went back out an hour or so later and chased each other up and down the driveway! Decorations started to go up.. and I hope to get more done when it is not so cold out! We came in and had hot chocolate with marshmallows for dinner and cuddled before saying good night to Fisbee the elf!
He came last night for his annual month long stay with us, checking in with Santa nightly and returning to a new hidden spot each morning... He is a funny elf... he starts out practical and then gets pretty sneaky with his hiding spots, trying not to hide in them more then 1x a season... I wonder if he will ask Santa if he will pat Gargamel and Sheba (cat and dog) when he comes to see Sophie? She asked about it tonight... will see if he sends her an answer!

Happy Holidays and enjoy the spirit the season gives to everyone- avoid the stress and feel the love!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

The power came back on last night- thank goodness! After sleeping in for a bit this morning, I crawled out of bed and started the day in the kitchen... The only stress was trying to fit more then 1 person in my kitchen at a time :-) Dinner was good, even if I forgot the peas, and to turn on the burner for the carrots after they sat on the stove for half an hour ... or that we didn't have drinks, and that my grandparents had to buy pumpkin pies because they cooked 2 and forgot to put sugar in them!!! Oh my the funny things that happened today that created good memories :-)

Dinner was great, and clean up was a cinch with help and I even got everyone to create a "Thankful" page for my scrapbook and stole some candid pictures of each person to put beside their note... however I did forget to get family pictures of all of us and to say grace... it's the thought right?

So dinner is done, leftovers in the fridge and now scoping out the black Friday deals... why? I'm not going but love the thrill of finding a deal.. even if I am just browsing online :) looking for some blackfriday facts???
Check out http://www.blackfridayandcybermonday.com/ for more info!

The origin of the name, "Black Friday" historically comes from the retailer's shift to profitability during the holiday season. Back in the day when accounting records were kept by hand, red ink indicated financial loss while black ink indicated profit, thus coining the popular fiscal terms of being "in the red," (losing money) or "in the black" (profitable).
As Black Friday is the day many U.S. consumers typically begin their Christmas shopping, sales are heavily promoted by retailers throughout the country. Stores are often decorated for the Christmas seasons weeks before-hand and retailers open very early (typically 5 A.M.) to offer "door buster deals", "loss leaders" and incentives to draw people to their shops. Although the day after Thanksgiving has served as the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season for decades, the term "Black Friday" has been traced back only to the 1970s and did not achieve widespread use and popularity until 2002

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Eve

It is cold- it is windy... and we have no power. It is the eve of Thanksgiving, the day where the hosts of the show start baking, cooking, prepping and setting up... and I am the host.... without power! I take this as yet another sign to relax, de stress and simplify!

I took over hosting holidays the year after my grandmother passed away... and my family knows the ropes for any holiday and event I host and plan- expect lots of great food, a clean house, tiny quarters to sit in, a stressed out Hillary who you never see because she is in the kitchen cleaning, cooking and forgets to eat and doesn't sit down until everyone leaves.... yup that's me! Except now I have 2 kiddos... and a large family... 16 people will be in my 2 person camp that became a home to 4 of us!

So little by little since the beginning of this year, I have downsized my events... little by little I said! And with all of the changes that my family and I have been through, I wanted to enjoy this holiday season and not get stressed out for once. I wanted to welcome people into my home if my floor was recently mopped or not- and if I didn't get a chance to vacuum yet this morning- and dinner will be served in Tupperware by chance- you will be expected to bring something or physically help me out and I WILL SIT AND EAT and SOMEONE ELSE will be doing the clean up! :) And it has all gone just the way as planned!! I am a stay at home mom with 2 children- yes there will be toys and dust, come on in and enjoy!!!!

Menu is planned- all very good, tasty items on for this year.. and all with short directions and simple ingredients.. many can be made ahead and heated up! Uncle will bring the drinks, Gram bought the Turkey I will cook, we grew the veggies that will hit the table this year, Father in law will cook the ham we raised, and we will use plastic plates that can be reused! Pies will be brought and other Kimball/White traditional items will be (assumed) brought by others in attendance- yes that is it... and if we forget something.. no worries because this meal is about getting together, enjoying each others company, talking about what we have experienced this year, planning out the next gathering... and simply enjoying our time together as family and friends

So with 45 minutes left on my laptop battery, and the house pitch black... I am not worried or stressed out at all! If we don't have power by the morning we will pack up and host some place else! Who cares if it doesn't happen right on time... we have each other and that is all that matters this year!!!

The "I am thankful" series started on facebook has grown and I am so thrilled to see all of the posts today from others :) Even if I wasn't the one to inspire them, it is wonderful to know that others are out there that feel the same.

Black Friday will be upon us in no time... and no I am not going this year. Financially unable to spend hundreds of dollars on items that are not necessary- I will stay home... and I am thankful for this change of pace because it will force our family to take a hard look at what we really need and what we really want... and all we want this year is to be together as a family! I will look back and forget how upsetting some of this was, and will be thankful for the savings in our wallets :)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have something to be grateful and thankful for and can maintain a positive attitude and outlook on life!

So with that I will end and will enlighten you with a  tid bit about the mayflower from history.com

The Mayflower carried not only the Pilgrims but a few other settlers as well. When it arrived at Cape Cod, several hundred miles north of its planned destination in Virginia owing to storms at sea, the passengers realized they were outside the bounds of the governmental authority they had contracted with in England.
William Bradford, the Pilgrim leader, was alarmed to learn that some of the others felt no obligation to respect the rules of the Pilgrims. In his words, they wanted to "use their owne libertie." The male heads of Pilgrim and non-Pilgrim families therefore drew up a compact that bound all signers to accept whatever form of government was established after landing. The compact created a "Civil Body Politic" to enact "just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices." Every adult male had to sign the agreement before going ashore. The compact remained in effect until Plymouth was incorporated into the short-lived Dominion of New England in 1686 and subsequently absorbed into the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1691.

The Reader's Companion to American History. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, Editors. Copyright © 1991 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Thanksgiving Story

Have you done your part on learning more about this holiday? Has it made you think differently? I found it very interesting to learn about how we celebrate Thanksgiving today compared to past years... did you know Turkey (possibly) and other traditional items were not part of the first feast? Fowl were labeled "turkey" and potatoes were not established yet as edible... the only traditional staple that was served initially was pumpkin.. but not in pie form! Interesting how through the years the now traditional Thanksgiving staples are far different then the original. Do you remember 2009 Thanksgiving advertisement? Lobster for Thanksgiving to help during the recession and how "odd" that was? Yet it was an original item in the first meal!! Their meal lasted 3 days.. how long does yours? Does the meal end, clean up begins and black friday fever hits?

I am interested in what traditions you and others celebrate during this holiday? Do you say grace? Do you eat off certain dishes, or plastic plates? Do you dress up and eat with cloth napkins? Celebrate on the designated day or another?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

We are Thankful

NickJr is having a "We are Thankful" month- yay finally something on tv besides the "look at the newest toy"

I asked Sophie what she is thankful for today.. and her response is "Nanny's" ... I think she thought I asked her where she was going today :)

Latest update on our mission to educate and give thanks.. Brian B got permission to put up an angel tree and donation box in his Augusta store... can't wait as it will be Sophie's gift this year, to pick a name and give to a family in need. With me staying home we may not have as many things anymore, or much money... but we have a roof over a head, food in our belly's, wood in the woodstove and lot's of love and support from our family and friends :) Thank you all!!!!!!

Idea's are still being tossed around for more ways to educate and inform... what do you have in mind? Comment below!!!

Today's info- Horn of Plenty.. taken from wikipedia.com
In mythology
In Greek mythology, Amalthea was a goat who raised Zeus on her breast milk, in a cave, on Mount Ida of Crete. Her horn was accidentally broken off by Zeus while playing together. The god Zeus, in remorse, gave her back her horn with supernatural powers, which would give whoever possessed it whatever they wished for. The original depictions were of the goat's horn filled with fruits and flowers: deities, especially Fortuna, were depicted with the horn of plenty. The cornucopia was also a symbol for a woman's fertility. The story is said to be a predecessor of the Unicorn and the Holy Grail stories.

Modern depictions

In modern depictions, the cornucopia is typically a hollow, horn-shaped wicker basket filled with various kinds of festive fruit and vegetables. In North America, the cornucopia has come to be associated with Thanksgiving and the harvest...The horn of plenty is used on body art and at Christmas, as it is a symbol of fertility, fortune and abundance.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thankful hearts

It all started with a funny post on facebook that lead to a discussion and desire to be more thankful and to appreciate the holidays (in order) and find and teach the true meaning of each one. So I posted the beginnings of this journey last night and logged on this morning to 14 new messages that brought true warmth and joy to my heart this morning.. I proudly say I am not a sappy person... but this morning that changed a bit.

I am a dreamer- I am great at creating ideas and directions.... I just need someone else to manage my dream while I move onto the next. This blog for example was supposed to be my reflections back dating with my first pregnancy on.. and has turned into that and my current journey as a mom wanting to inspire others... I have the idea just not good at staying on path :) So last night I wanted to take this holiday season to use my blog to show the true meaning of the holidays and traditions we all share- I will label each one of these posts this week Thanksgiving (so I can have some order in this mess of my thoughts).

So back tracking... I was amazed at the nice things and the thankful posts others have started on facebook.. it made me a little sappy. I feel the joy of the holiday season setting in... and as Brian B posted today- share a smile they are contagious! It's kind of like a yawn.. it keeps going! So start your day with an I am thankful... ask your children, family and friends each day this week what they are thankful for... and then move onto a smile. Smile at the person walking down the road in the cold collecting bottles- smile at the little old lady in the store that is having trouble reaching an item, and ask her if you can help. Smile at the cashier and teller and thank them for their service... bad attitudes are contagious and turn someones bad day into a good one :)

A tid bit from holidays.net about one of the origins of "harvest days"
Before the establishment of formal religions many ancient farmers believed that their crops contained spirits which caused the crops to grow and die. Many believed that these spirits would be released when the crops were harvested and they had to be destroyed or they would take revenge on the farmers who harvested them. Some of the harvest festivals celebrated the defeat of these spirits.

I end this mornings post with encouragement to continue with this journey we have started and be thankful and smile...
What will tomorrow bring?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The True Meaning....

Do you know the true meaning of each holiday we celebrate or the calendar acknowledges? You are not alone! I am a child from the generation where commercialization took over and true meanings, from family values and traditions to the original origins slowly got lost over the years. I now have two children of my own and am realizing that I don't want them to grow up with the "I needs" ... and I want them to celebrate being with their friends and family and not worry about if they will get the biggest gift and how many toys they got. I want to develop traditions that stick with them.. 1 gift from mommy and daddy, 1 gift from Santa on Christmas morning... 12 days of Christmas with small usable items so they are not overwhelmed with the "hurry up and open the next gift and don't try to enjoy it, but don't give me an attitude when I yell at you to say Thank you" kind of message we send to our children... OH I COULD KEEP GOING with what I want and don't want... and I will eventually but this post tonight is NOT about Thanksgiving...

Brian B- you started this and you better help me lead the way! Let me back up and start with Thanksgiving... the holiday that is lost between Halloween and Christmas. The holiday that becomes stressful for us to sit through with our families and cook and clean for extended family members we do not spend that much time with (sometimes). The holiday that has lost all meaning and is about the day after.. BLACK FRIDAY where holiday season kicks in and Christmas decorations go up... except I noticed this year black Friday ad's were released 2 weeks prior instead of the day or few days before the crazy shopping trip day.. and stores were advertising layaway plans and shopping deals at the end of October. I guess the economy wants a boost with 60 plus days to cram commercials and paper flyer's down our throats and take cash we do not have out of our pockets....
So Brian tonights post is for you-
via Wikipedia, Thanksgiving is defined as:
Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. This holiday has since moved away from its religious roots.[1]

Interesting huh? I then went to history.com and read a bit more... and instead of re posting it all.. I encourage you to visit their site, and many others and read, watch videos with your children, your family and friends... like it on facebook and post it to your wall.. educate others :)  Find something interesting to share on the comment section below- and let me add one more thing.. WHY do we celebrate "thanks" on JUST ONE DAY?

With that I will leave you with the basic short history lesson from history.com's site... and look forward to the followers this creates, the education that may happen, and for the eye opening that this creates for me.... so I can teach my children the true meaning!

In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn't until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

Time is flying

Has it been 6 weeks already since little Elvis arrived? WOW!!! I got the best gift on my birthday with a small smile... but those little movements were not the smile he gave me on Tuesday the 16th with a full grin and a dimple... he has his daddy's one sided smile :-) This morning, he didn't just make his baby noises, he cooed intentionally... awww I think I fell in love again.
Sophie update- she says the funniest things and I wish I could write them all down for memories to reflect on. This morning I overheard her in the kitchen talking to her father- "Daddy do you see the rainbow?" There is no rainbow outside this morning, I think it is the color of the sky she sees as the sun comes up. "Can I ride on it?" Chad replies, "no I don't think so, that's silly!" and she ends with "why not? I want to!" She is just too cute!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Good Morning

Wednesday November 10th- "Mama look at the rainbow- Mommmmmmy come look, come look at the rainbow" is how I woke up this morning at 6:30am.. to Sophie yelling at the top of her lungs-
Friday November 12th- an hour past her normal wake up time, Chad goes up to check on her... what is it she is doing? "looking out the window at the airplane"-

Goodness isn't life as a child so simple, delightful and intriguing? Life as a parent is so amazing that words cannot describe- and you just know what I mean, don't you?

I had a chat with someone today, and putting my two cents into the conversation (as I always do- sorry friends that I am an "interrupter") it was discussed about how we have so much planned out for our children, we want to teach them right from wrong, lead them down a successful happy fun filled life, we want to protect them from harm, from making mistakes, and correcting those that they do make- but we can't... all we can do is teach them, help them down a path and hope they make their own choices that we can be proud of.... and this is not always the outcome is it? Sometimes they make horrible errors in judgment, they go down dark and harmful paths, they stop listening, or worse- stop contact all together.....

We have all been children, we have been someones little girl or boy- their baby! We have all made mistakes, we have all been down a wrong path and turned back from time to time... we have spoken ill words to our parents, been disrespectful and hateful at times...how you and I have changed that are different-

I look back at my life growing up and regret things, but would never change them... every mistake has made me learn a lesson- has helped me become the person I am today.. has helped me develop relationships with others, and figured out what I want and do not want in my life... I am proud of who I am, I am proud that I can look back and say this is the lesson I have learned, I am proud that I overcame obstacles and turned away from the dark and harmful paths and went towards the successful, fun filled, sunny pathway :) I am proud to say I am an amazing friend to one or two of you, a wonderful wife (I can say this because I know Chad wont care to read this ever lol), a supportive sister and proud to say most importantly that my family is proud of who I became too! My grandmother who lovingly raised my sister and I, would be proud- and I never got to hear her say that to me, nor will I... but I just know :)

So with that, I know and can say proudly- that my children are going to make mistakes, and all I can do is teach them and lead them down the road- they will choose their own paths... and I have my own hopes, dreams and aspirations for them.... but I cannot make their choices, or teach them their lessons, or bail them out of trouble every time- all I can do is to stand beside them no matter how loving, or hurtful they may be at times and be a mom... that is all I can do and hope for the best! Environments mean a lot, life lessons, and family rules are essential... but in the end- they are the ones in charge of their choices!

I hope to be my children's inspirations- to be their role model... that is my hope and dream for them!

So my comment to you- is be like Sophie for a minute and look at the simple things that we take for granted everyday- look out the window and see the rainbow- or the airplane- or maybe the bluebird in the tree and just appreciate it for a moment or two... that is the lesson I will teach today :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

November 6th, 2010 I turned 28 and baby Caleb gave me his first I wasnt sleeping and laughing at random things, smile! :) With a high pitch baby intended noise and a kiss in his neck, he turned and gave me his toothless grin *sigh* Growing up so quickly!

I got another one on the 7th, 2 actually and so far 2 on the 8th... can't wait for the giggles to go with it!

On another note- it poured today.. so I packed the kids into the jeep and we went puddle running. Sophie sought out puddles that I could drive into so I could splash her window- video to follow! So much fun!!

2 lines

2 lines means your pregnant right? Well let me take that test 4 times JUST to make sure... yup.. we're pregnant!
Welcome to baby #1!
OMG what do I say, what do I do? Not even sure how to react... 9 months later, well actually 8 months later Sophie Dora was born at a healthy 8lb 6 oz and 22 in long at 11:06pm on June 17th. Lets start the memory lane pathway...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Dancing fools

As early on as I can remember, Chad has always danced with Sophie to all kinds of music. During fussy nights in infancy he would sing to her made up songs to some of his favorite music- "Oh Sophie, wont you be my girl, wont you wont you wont you be my giiiiiirrrll? Oh Sophie come on and dance with me, come on come on come on and dance with meeeeee-...."

So as she grew older and she could stand, she jumped around with him during their dance routine. Night time rituals became dancing and rolling on the floor to music on the television- head banging, jumping, rolling, and all sorts of fun.

Chad has started this tradition with Caleb now too- he sits in his chair as Chad and Sophie dance in the living room, each taking turns dancing with Caleb. Sophie can now dance on her own and often runs around in circles doing ballet, stomping her feet and has just begun to sing songs with and without music. Turn on the radio and she will try to match the tune- repeats the words and makes up words to sing along... you may find her every now and then singing to herself when no one is looking :)

Today Caleb started his dance routine- shaking his arms and swinging his air guitar while cooing away a great tune!

Music is a wonderful thing to have in your life- no matter the tune or the type.. but lesson #1 learned is that rap music can no longer be played in the car with a repeat 2 year old :)

(unfortunatly the sound cut out of video)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is today the day?

Is today the day Sophie will start using the potty again?
 She started in about 18 months no problem.. but we never pushed the issue... then she decided she didn't want to use it anymore so we backed off.. got pregnant with Caleb soon after and I didn't push it with her as I knew I would not be able to run her back and forth after his arrival.... but she was READY! Wakes up dry every day from sleeping and naps- tells us when she is going, when she needs to be changed... so we started in again as Caleb is now 1 month old... and she is FIGHTING us with tears! She doesn't want to be changed, she doesn't want to sit on it anymore or even try. We have always sat on the potty at night time and before tubs and sit with her as she whines and ask for a little push and let her toot up a tune to make it fun to sit at least... yeah I know too much details?

Her baby was sitting on the potty yesterday in the car- aka her lap... interesting?? Where may this be going as she is baby obsessed! She uses all of Caleb's baby things for her babies daily- emptying out his closet everyday playing with his car seat, swing, bouncy seat, clothes, play mats, bathtub, trying "to feed my baby my booby" as I resist the urge to cringe I tell her that her baby is big enough to drink from a bottle and only mommy does that with Caleb... So today she brings out her potty chair and seat from the bathroom instead of going to Caleb's room for his things...

Her baby has sat on the potty and peed, tooted and tried to poop- and she just told her baby "let me show you" as she sat on the potty (diapered) and peed! Hmmmm maybe we are onto something here- baby just motivated her to pee on the potty- or as she says "the flush."

Let's see how this works and as I cringe at the thought of a potty in my living room- it may just work... and if not at least it was a fun game for her in the mean time, as she closed the lid now and is jumping from the top (as its also a step stool) to her bean bag chair screaming "ready... ready.. JUMP!" :-) "did you see that comming?"

I love my kids!!! :-)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy 1 Month Caleb

Happy 1 month Caleb Robert!

The time has gone by too fast already- he is starting to grin, laughs and giggles in his sleep, so I expect a real smile from him soon :-) He is full of nicknames: Sir Toots A Lot, K-bub, Elvis, Junior Mint and the list could go on!!! Today is also a special day as daddy put on his first cloth diaper- correctly the first time!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nov 1

Today is my technical first day of joining the unemployed, except I made the decision on my own accord!

Halloween 2010 we dressed up as the smurfs! Papa, Smurffette, Baby Smurf and a regular Smurf- soo much fun! Caleb slept the entire time that we went trick or treating with Sophie and while handing out candy for close to 4 hours... Sophie had a hard time accepting that she would be a smurf, as she reeeeeaaallly wanted to be a witch for Halloween, but all was well with her once she got to see other trick or treaters costumes. Next year I will let her pick what she wants and not be so forceful on the theme. She had a great time handing out candy- "1 for you, thank you very much.. happy halloween"