Hobbys and such

Everyone enjoys a hobby right? My friend Amber and I started playing around with ideas, Internet browsing and then started at the sewing tables... after many trials, errors and learning curves we still have yet to face- we decided to start our own business! It is still in the works but it never hurts to spread the word still!!!!!
Baby things are our calling! Here are just a FEW of our ideas and creations-

We've experimented with ruffle butt onesies, hats, scarves and other fun things
 Ruffle Butt Onesie

Crocheted baby rattles, tag blankets and stuffies

Car seat toy

Baby/Momma needs:
Nursing covers, Diaper Pods to hold your wipes and a couple of diapers, play mats, changing mats, textured quilts, bibs, swaddle blankets, wet and dry bags, cloth wipes and many other things!
 Diaper Pod to hold your wipes and diapers
Nursing Cover

 Swaddle blanket
 Dry bag
 Wet bag
 Roll out changing mat with wipe holder

 Roll out play and changing mat