Friday, November 26, 2010

A Future perhaps?

I am starting to get just a tid bit addicted to this blog- I want to share my sentimental, funny and embarrassing moments with people and well... 7 FB posts in an hour probably is annoying to some :)

I have NO IDEA what I am doing... my direction has changed .. and I am html numb... I am not grammatically correct, I misuse words and punctuation... there is no humor in my post and who am I really sharing this with??? I have 2 followers.. and #1 (sorry) I do not know who you are.. I believe #2 is Roman.. I think... are you? People read when I share my post on facebook... but do they really want to follow my every move and thought??? I know I wouldn't!!

I just searched a few blogs and found some that made me walk away from my computer laughing.. and inspired me to do the same- why not put a twist of humor and purpose here? But how??? If I shared my randomness with the world- you would think I am a per ma-drunk (always drunk.. yes I think I made that word up!)

First thought that came to my mind in a chat conversation with someone last night about random ways to die... was how many shopping cart deaths are there in a year? I looked it up.. no quick answer.. kind of scary what pops up so I walked away from that thought, and conversation as the person asked if I was drinking lol... no I wasn't!

Random facts and useless info is my thing.. history.. humor posts.. crafting... living green and sharing family life... how do you fit it all together and create a cult like following? You tell me!!!

Oh and to add on top of that I just started a shared business adventure... do I add that here... add a new blog? Oh what to do!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I would join that cult you and I are alot alike! haha!
